Physio Bondi & Physio Sydney CBD - Balance In Motion Physiotherapy

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Should we still be using RICE? Or is PEACE & LOVE, better?

For decades we have all been told when we sprain an ankle or jam a finger to "RICE" it. The belief is that the rest, ice, compression, and elevation will help manage the recovery and help reduce swelling and inflammation. But the question is should we be following the RICE principle? This is a principle that has been cemented into our short term management of soft tissue injuries for years but current research is pointing us in another direction.

While resting and icing an injury feels good in the moment and helps reduce pain levels, research is showing that they can delay tissue healing and increase issue damage due to the extended rest time and restriction of blood flow.

What does this mean for managing a soft tissue injury?



Avoid anti-inflammatories








In the acute phase (day 1-3) immediately following an injury we want to follow PEACE. Gentle movements and exercises should be initiated in pain free ranges. Anti-inflammatories including ice should be avoided as they may impede tissue healing. Compression and Elevation can be used to help manage the injury.

Following the initial acute phase (>3 days) we want to follow LOVE. We want to start loading the body, following pain as a guide of what we can do. This will help optimism and confidence in movement. Pain free cardiovascular activity will help blood flow to the injured area, which will help healing. Lastly, exercising to maintain and progress what your body can do.

While it is easy to fall back on the RICE principle, PEACE & LOVE will help you return to activity quickly and encourage better issue healing when you are facing an acute injury.

If in doubt about any of these or which one to use it always best to reach out and see a health professional and at the clinic we are always super happy to help any way we can!!

Jade Reid