From Skiing Injury or slipping down the stairs
Knee pain can be really frustrating and affect your day to day. Your knee can hurt going up and down stairs, on long walks or half way through your run and they can even start "making funny noises". No matter what caused it, we have you covered. Our team of specialised clinician will identify what has caused it, which muscles aren't working and which muscles need to be stretched and work with you on the best approach to get you to a full recovery.
What our Physio team can do for you:
Film your walking/running to identify any technique or biomechanical faults
Tape or bracing
Dry needling and massage to reduce pressure on your knee
An individualised strength and stretch session
Get you on our Better Knees 8 Week Program based on the latest scientific studies to be published
Tips to Prevent/TREAT YOUR INJURY:
Don't sit cross legged or lock your knees when you stand.
Don't walk or run through pain. This just increases swelling and inhibits your muscles from working properly.
Check our blog for our favourite pain relief tapings or simply click here for my fave.
If you have had enough of knee pain and just want to get back to what your love with confidence in your knee simply click HERE to book in at our Bondi Physiotherapy or Sydney City Physiotherapy locations